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Define the Predicate


The order of route execution is important. The first route whose predicate matches the request will be executed.

We now need to define the condition for the route's execution.

Let's go to the Predicates section.


ARCHWAY offers a collection of predicates, mostly derived from the framework it is based on, Spring cloud gateway.

The Path Route Predicate

Here we will use the Path predicate. This means that if the path matches the predicate, the route will be executed.

Add a Path type predicate.


  • Path: /**

This means that any routes starting with /** will execute this route.


This makes sense when the route is the default application managed by ARCHWAY. Normally, each route should be discriminated by different paths, such as /service1, /service2, etc...


If we had used a subpath, it would probably be appropriate to add a StripPrefix request filter to remove the route prefix.


You can sort the routes by dragging and dropping.


The /** route should always be in the last position. Make sure that the /** route is last on the list.


Of course, each microservice should have a different predicate.