Connections history allows you to check the legitimacy of connections.
You will therefore see here, the authentications that have succeeded SUCCESS and the one who failed FAILED.
Table columns
Organization: The organization for which the connection was made.(Can be empty in case of failure)
Browser MFA: If the MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) is activated, this column allows us to know whether the browser having initiated this authentication required or not of a MFA validation. Indeed you can define that a browser is considered to be trusted and therefore does not need MFA.
From: IP V4 or V6 of the machine that initiated authentication
Agent: Information from the customer who has initiated authentication, generally browser information.
Type: The type of authentication used: FORM, TOKEN, JWT, OAUTH2
Status: The result of the authentication attempt, with the cause if it failed.
Created at: The date of the connection
In the organization column, a button allows you to see the detail of the connection.
Trusted browser
In the Browser MFA column, you can add or delete the browser caused the connection of the confidence browser list.